Thursday, May 6, 2010

The day lots of deliveries arrived...........

Wool Felt arrived, its a pity that the stack is wonky when l took the photo, lots more colours to come also we have a range of patterns that use wool felt so have a go you will get hooked.
June's Backyard came in 2 boxes, a little different to the usual , soft but bright if that makes sense more sort of 40s style.....maybe......... whatever its nice............

Then 4 boxes arrived this is a small sample of what was in it............................. the chocolate and teal(not light blue) it looks great with pink...........
" I come in peace" Melly and Me's new pattern, now in stock.
It was probably quite appropriate to have this little fella, perched on the needle stand, as there was no room any where else............he was competing with all the boxes.

Cheers Mary

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