Tuesday, September 30, 2008

chicken pox and chinese

You know you have a great business partner when you arrive at work to a family block of KitKat! Myles with chicken pox and then a house full of the two and the four legged variety spells great need and special circumstances - driving up the mountain to our outpost of calm and serenity is all the sweeter.
Today i feel like a bower bird mesmerised by all the "shiny pretty" things, much time can be wasted looking at the Threadworxs and Appleton's.
We start another busy week for the shop with Mary holding the fort while i enjoy a weekend at the Bacchus Marsh friendship quilters exhibition in the shire hall at Bacchus Marsh.There is lots happening in the town so come along and see our stall as well as the garden themed exhibition. A big hello to the quilters from Rochester who proved yet again that patchworkers will travel and go to extreme lengths for their passion(read mountain climbing)
Thank you to the oriental axeman for the wood chopping and royal show duties.

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